Evidence Interchange Front-end

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Evidence Interchange Front-end

Item Description
name Evidence Interchange Front-end
description Application component bundling UI and logic to handle the status overview and preview and approval of requested evidences.
pattern(s) IM, USI, VC
application collaboration Evidence Interchange Management

Application Services realized by this component
Application Service Description Pattern
Evidence Status Overview The DC updates the evidence status. This is supported by this service. IM, USI, VC
Prepare Preview After Receiving The user must be able to preview and approve the evidence. This service bundles UI and approval handling before the DC can use the evidence. IM
Verifiable Credential Issuer Search The service, based on the information from the information desk, performs a list of all possible issuers of evidence (VC) that may be later used by the user to satisfy procedural requirements. The list consists of the name of the institution, MS, region and a link for its related evidence portal. VC
Verifiable Credential Request The service that generates a request for the issuance of evidence in the form of VC on the DP side. It includes the information of the required VC schema. VC

DE4A Common Components & BBs & MS Solutions
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