Legal and ethical analysis

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This is the central page for the legal and ethical Work Packages (WP7 and 10). It is intended to:

- Link to prior outputs

- Link to existing templates for legal documents

- Summarise the state of play on key legal topics

- Help in the collection of legal / ethical inputs from DE4A partners

- Reference relevant external (non-DE4A) legal inputs

Prior outputs and deliverables

Work Packages 7 and 10 have provided the following formal deliverables and outputs:

- D7.1 Overview of legal and ethical requirements

- the Memorandum of Understanding - to be signed by all piloting partners

Legal templates

Work Packages 7 and 10 have provided the following legal templates:

- the standard DE4A piloting disclaimer

Collection of inputs

Any feedback or input can be sent to or

Currently, inputs are specifically requested in relation to the Initial Report on legal and ethical recommendations and best practices (due M12 - end of December 2021)