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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget urna suscipit, venenatis elit non, viverra quam. Vestibulum congue laoreet tortor, ut tincidunt ex ullamcorper a. Nullam ac venenatis diam. Proin eget metus scelerisque, viverra sem vel, fermentum felis. Duis accumsan urna eget pretium scelerisque. Fusce imperdiet, libero vel lobortis sodales, metus ante semper orci, id porta elit diam eget nibh. Sed ornare molestie ultrices. Praesent erat tortor, tempus non porta vitae, blandit ac diam. Phasellus molestie ut arcu aliquam rutrum. Curabitur convallis, elit et maximus pellentesque, felis dui feugiat nulla, et ultrices mauris diam eu purus. Nullam eget mi felis. Pellentesque et arcu vel nulla facilisis auctor. Nulla eget purus dictum, laoreet nibh et, pretium nisi. Nullam gravida, ipsum a euismod semper, nisi dolor vestibulum lectus, consequat malesuada ligula dui ac orci.
The Studying Abroad pilot of the “Digital Europe for All” (DE4A) project aims at demonstrating in practice the benefits for different European Higher Education Area stakeholders of realizing across borders the principles of once only and digital-by-default. By the combination of three use cases (UC#1 - Application to public higher education, UC#2 - Applying for study grant, and UC#3 - Diploma recognition) it will prove the optimal process/procedure for students of the participating three Member States (Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain) for registration to higher education and eventually applying for a student grant as well as for studies recognition. The pilot will run in two iterations, the first from October 2021 to the end of January 2022, and the second from May 2022 to the end of October 2022.

Revision as of 11:00, 8 April 2021

The Studying Abroad pilot of the “Digital Europe for All” (DE4A) project aims at demonstrating in practice the benefits for different European Higher Education Area stakeholders of realizing across borders the principles of once only and digital-by-default. By the combination of three use cases (UC#1 - Application to public higher education, UC#2 - Applying for study grant, and UC#3 - Diploma recognition) it will prove the optimal process/procedure for students of the participating three Member States (Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain) for registration to higher education and eventually applying for a student grant as well as for studies recognition. The pilot will run in two iterations, the first from October 2021 to the end of January 2022, and the second from May 2022 to the end of October 2022.

Use Case "Application to Public Higher Education" (SA UC1)

Use Case "Applying for Study Grant" (SA UC2)

Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3)