Intermediation pattern communication diagram
Lookup routing information
- Description: Data Evaluator sends a request to the Connector DR.
- Message type: Detailed in the ‘IAL Technical Design’ Document. 4
- Description: Connector DR sends a response to Data Evaluator.
- Message type: Detailed in the ‘IAL Technical Design’ Document. 4
Error handling
If Data Evaluator cannot be reached there will be a communication error. [10603]
Mandatory fields must be present in the request. [40602]
* The interfaces are the same as the IAL, that’s why we refer to that document.
Lookup routing information
- Description: Connector DR sends a request to the IDK to get routing information.
- Message type: Detailed in the ‘IAL Technical Design’ Document.
- Description: IDK sends a response to Connector DR providing the routing information.
- Message type: Detailed in the ‘IAL Technical Design’ Document.
Error handling
- If IDK cannot be reached there will be a communication error. [10303]
- Mandatory fields must be present in the request. [40302]
- If request information does not obtain results, there will be a no data found error. [40306]
* The interfaces are the same as the IAL, that’s why we refer to that document.
Request evidence
- Description: Data Evaluator sends a request to the Connector DR to get the evidence. Data Evaluator and Data Owner identify both components.
- Message type: Specified in ‘Data Dictionary’ Document.
Error handling
- If Connector DR cannot be reached there will be a communication error. [10603]
- Mandatory fields must be present in the request. [40602]
* The interfaces are the same as the IAL, that’s why we refer to that document.
SMP addressing
- Description: Connector DR sends a request to the SML to get the SMP address. Detailed information is available in ‘eDelivery SMP’ Document. 1
- Message type: Detailed in ‘eDelivery usage in DE4A’ Document. 5
Node information
- Description: Connector DR sends a request to the SMP to get gateway information. Multi evidence approach is available in ‘eDelivery SMP’ Document. 1
- Message type: Detailed in ‘eDelivery usage in DE4A’ Document. 5
- Description: SMP sends a response to Connector DR providing the gateway information. The destination endpoint and the certificate will be provided.
- Message type: Detailed in ‘eDelivery usage in DE4A’ Document. 5
Error handling
- If SMP cannot be reached there will be a communication error. [10303]
- Mandatory fields must be present in the request. [40302]
- If request information does not obtain results, there will be a no data found error. [40306] Detailed information is available in ‘eDelivery BDXL’ Document. 3
Request evidence
- Description: Connector DR sends a request to Connector DT to get the evidence. Same request as step 3.
- Message type: Specified in ‘Data Dictionary’ Document. 6
Error handling
- If Connector DT cannot be reached there will be a communication error. [10303]
- Mandatory fields must be present in the request. [40302]