Report on use case status

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Revision as of 09:12, 31 March 2022 by Hans.graux (talk | contribs) (Initial template entry)
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The template below was created to keep track of the status of use cases in each individual pilot, including to register any legal issues encountered and solutions.

The template should be applied at the use case level, registering the status for each country. Sections in italics should be updated. Use one line per Member State.

Where inputs don't fit into the template (too long or complex), pilot participants can add additional notes below the table.


Use case [name]
Data provider country Data evaluator country
Member State name Status in this use case Member State name Status in this use case
[Member State name] Pick whichever one applies:

[not active yet] [issuing fake data] [issuing real data]

[Member State name] Pick whichever one applies:

[not active yet] [receiving fake data] [receiving real data]

[Member State name] Pick whichever one applies:

[not active yet] [issuing fake data] [issuing real data]

[Member State name]
Identified risks / problems / incidents Implemented solutions or plan (note: use the same line as the risk/problem/incident, so

that the solution/plan matches the risk/problem/incident next to it)

[Member State(s) name(s)] Describe: dd/mm/yyyy, [description of the risk/problem/incident Describe: dd/mm/yyyy, [description of the solution or plan]

Additional notes:

[Provide any additional information that's required to describe the status of the use case, if applicable.]