DBA First iteration running phase

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This page addresses general information about the first iteration running phase for the Doing Business Abroad pilot.

Estimated earliest start dates of pilot

type Data Evaluator Data Owner Companies
November 2021 Real eProcedure with real data RO NL Dutch (real)
December 2021 Simulation with real data NL RO Romanian (real)
Simulation with real data1 RO AT Austrian (real)
March 2022 Real eProcedure with real data2 AT RO Romanian (real)
Real eProcedure with real data2 AT NL Dutch (real)
Real eProcedure with real data2 NL AT Austrian (real)
TBD2, 3 Simulation with real data SE RO Romanian (real)
Simulation with fictitious data RO SE Swedish (fake)
Simulation with real data SE NL Dutch (real)
Simulation with real data SE AT Austrian (real)
  1. Assuming that the RomanianDutch/Swedish eIDAS pilot node profile 1.1 can communicate with the AT eIDAS pilot node profile 1.2
  2. The AT eProcedure will be connected to the AT eIDAS pilot node in March 2022
  3. For Bolagsverket, an eIDAS pilot node solution needs to be established first

End date of the pilot running phase

The scheduled end date of the first iteration running phase is January 30th 2022.

For several DE/DO combinations in the table above, the estimated start date of the pilot is later than the official end date of the pilot running phase (1st iteration). For those combinations, exceptions will be made for the pilot period.