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The SSI Agents infrastructure includes the Authority and Edge Agent components..

Functionalities provided

The main purpose of the SSI Authority Agent is ...

Name of functionality


Supported interaction patterns

Interaction patterns define the flow of data through the Connector and the intercommunication between the different components. Each pattern exchanges certain types of messages, and the incoming/outgoing information will depend on the processes occurring in the external components [3].

The Connector currently supports two interaction patterns:

  • Verifiable Credentials (VC) pattern
    • ­Synchronous communication between the Connector and final participant (DE or DO).
    • Data Owner endpoint must be known by the Data Transferor.
    • Since the communication is synchronous, the Data Requestor does not need to know the identifier and endpoint of the Data Evaluator.

Most of the specific behaviour of each interaction pattern is independent of the Connector itself, as the Connector component is just designed to exchange messages and the main differences between the patterns take place in the external components such as the Data Evaluator and the Data Owner.

SSI Authority Agent roles

A SSI Authority Agent instance can play two different roles:

  • Data Requestor (DR)
  • Data Transferor (DT)

No configuration is needed to differentiate the roles, it only depends on the usage, i.e., the behaviour will be according to the messages sent.

Error handling

Since the Connector performs multiple communications between different external components and some data and structure validations are performed, the Connector needs to monitor all failure points and be able to identify them in order to build the corresponding messages and warnings to inform each external component. When an error happens, the corresponding component creates an error message with the information about the error to be sent back to the entity that sent the failed message.

Logging messages

Within the data flow and message exchange, there are many key points where it is important to know how the data is being managed, as well as identifying intermediate errors and unhandled system states. In this respect, the Connector can send messages to a Kafka server to track the data flow and trace the state of the system at certain points.

This feature is an advantage from a technical and business point of view, as the Connector performs the message exchange transparently to the other components.

It should be noted that the messages sent to the Kafka server are hardcoded, it is not a parameterizable feature, so any enhancements must be hardcoded again and deployed. It has been developed in such a way because the necessity of a Kafka server is not expected outside the DE4A project. In a real scenario, an alternative way of collecting logs should be implemented.

Message types

The Connector implements a Kafka message producer through the de4a-kafka-client library of the de4a-commons package. This producer provides several types of messages or severity levels:

  • Success
  • Info
  • Warn
  • Error
  • Fatal error

Those message categories can be easily used to specify the severity level of the message sent to the Kafka server to track and identify them.

List of messages

The messages currently sent from the Connector to the Kafka server are as follows:

Services(Info level)

  • RequestTransferEvidenceIM message received - RequestId: {0}, CanonicalEvidenceType: {1}, DataEvaluator: {2}, DataOwner: {3}

AS4(Info level)

  • Sending request message via AS4 gateway - DataEvaluatorId: {0}, DataOwnerId: {1}, CanonicalEvidenceType: {2}

Errors(Error level)

  • The corresponding request to the received response is not found on database - RequestId: {0}

[1] The {x} symbols are placeholders for dynamic text to be logged.

Data management

The Connector stores and manages certain information such as DE endpoints (not to be confused with SMP endpoints), DO endpoints, certain request records for asynchronous response matching, etc. All this data and where to find it is described in the following subsections.

Data Owner addresses

Once each Data Owner is publishing his Connector service information on the SMP, the request will arrive to that Connector service configured on the SMP (via the AS4 Gateway), and considering that one Connector could be serving to multiples DOs, this Connector has to know the addressing (base endpoint, without path name) information related to a specific participant identifier (e.g. iso6523-actorid-upis::9999:egov) to send forward the request to the corresponding Data Owner, so due to that, the Connector maintains a table, named  owner_addresses, with two columns:

  • AgentUrn: participant identifier in the DE4A format, e.g., iso6523-actorid-upis::9999:ess2833002e – see the “DE4A Policy for use of identifiers” for further information about the participant identifiers policy.
  • Endpoint: base endpoint URL of the Data Owner who is exposing the service /requestExtractEvidence

The information above will be used by a Connector playing the Transferor role when the RequestExtractEvidence message is being sent.

Technology used

System core architecture

The SSI Authority Agent works as standalone Java EE application that runs different web services according to the RESTful API architecture principles. The application is built with the following tools:

  • Maven
  • Java EE 16

In addition to the core architecture, the XML Schemas defined to model the exchanged information, data constraints, interfaces, etc. are also important. All this is part of the Connector core through the de4a-commons library, which contains the above-mentioned model as well as utilities and conversion tools.

Third party libraries

As part of the bunch of libraries used by the Connector there are some of the related with the core features and which represent a starting point for the functionalities provided by the Connector.

Walt.ID library

The TOOP Connector is a set of shared utility functions used in the Connector to perform common tasks that are required for a safe and interoperable data exchange. In the initial iteration the latest version of the TOOP Connector technical components were reused mainly for the usage of the built-in phase4 AS4 Gateway. Other elements of the TOOP Connector are currently ignored.


Set of Java libraries to build Java web applications.

Peppol commons libraries

They include the SMP client library used by the Access Points to retrieve service metadata. This library supports the Peppol SMP specification, the OASIS BDXR SMP v1 and OASIS BDXR SMP v2 specification. This project uses Apache HTTP client to perform the REST lookups on foreign SMPs.

Data management

To manage the model and the data stored by the SSI Authority Agent the following technologies are used:

  • Ektorp: The Java Persistence API is a specification of Java. It is used to persist data between Java object and relational database. JPA acts as a bridge between object-oriented domain models and relational database systems. As JPA is just a specification, it does not perform any operation by itself.

Utilities libraries

The project uses several libraries and utilities to process and transform the data. They can be divided according to their nature:

  • Commercial libraries

To perform common and non-business operations on web and data exchange projects, the Connector uses different commercial solutions, also all the libraries embedded in the Java development kit.

  • In-house solutions

The Connector project includes some utilities that allow the data processing and internal tools to perform all the Connector tasks. Those utilities are within the Connector project as a module called de4a-commons.

Installation and configuration


//TODO: enter information from the WP5 Github.

As a prerequisite to build the Connector is to have at least Java 11 and Apache Maven 3.6 or later installed.

You should be able to compile entire packages from the parent POM file:

mvn clean install

It is also possible to compile each package separately by browsing to the folder and running the command above.


The compilation process will be packaging the project into a .war file located on /target/ path, which should be deployable on any applications server. If you compile the parent pom, the IDK and Connector target paths will be created with their corresponding war files.

  • de4a-commons

de4a-commons project is now on maven central OSS Sonatype repository

  • Toop version v2.1.2-SNAPSHOT

Due to the lastest changes on de4a-commons Toop-connector-ng version should be 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT, so you may need to add following repo server on your maven settings


Connector configuration guide

For a correct configuration of the Connector, three main property files must be considered:

  • application.properties: main system configuration
  • phase4.properties: AS4 gateway configurations
  • log4j2.xml: logging configuration

Bellow, a working example of the application.properties file:

# Database properties

# H2 in-memory database console port (default 21080)

# i18n properties

# Spring allowing override beans

# Charset encoding

# SSL context enabled (true|false)

# SSL configuration (optional when ssl.context.enabled is false, otherwise, it must be configured)

# Global flags for initializer
global.debug = true
global.production = false

# Instance name for logging
global.instancename = dev-from-ide

# DE4A Kafka settings
# Enables the standard logging separately of the Kafka messages. It is necessary for print metrics messages - (default: true)
# Enables Kafka connection via HTTP (Only enable HTTP mode if outbound TCP connections are blocked from your internal network)

# Kafka server address (Eg.: de4a-dev-kafka.egovlab.eu:9092)
# Uncomment the following property and remove the above one if HTTP mode is enabled
# de4a.kafka.url=https://de4a-dev-kafka.egovlab.eu

# Establish a topic on kafka tracker - Pattern: de4a-<country-code>-<partner-name> - Eg.: de4a-se-egovlab - (default: de4a-connector)

# Logging metrics messages prefix - Default: DE4A METRICS
log.metrics.prefix=DE4A METRICS

# toop legacy kafka properties (Do not touch)
toop.tracker.enabled = false

# DSD base URL (Do not modify)
toop.dsd.service.baseurl = http://dsd.dev.exchange.toop.eu

# What AS4 implementation to use?
toop.mem.implementation = phase4

# Our AS4 sending AP endpoint (holodeck)
#toop.mem.as4.endpoint = http://localhost:8083/tc-webapp/as4

# Domibus server endpoint
# domibus.endpoint=

# SMP Client configuration stuff - Do not modify (default values)
smpclient.truststore.type = JKS
smpclient.truststore.path = truststore/de4a-truststore-test-smp-pw-de4a.jks
smpclient.truststore.password = de4a

# Spring As4 gateway implementation bean(provided: phase4GatewayClient and domibusGatewayClient).Implements eu.toop.as4.client.As4GatewayInterface

# External endpoints
# SMP endpoint Eg.: https://de4a-smp.egovlab.eu/
# IDK endpoint Eg.: https://de4a-dev-idk.egovlab.eu/

# IM response timeout

# Properties to create the http client connection through a proxy (optional)

# Required renamed proxy configuration for BDXRClient (if is needed, only uncomment)

From now on, we will explain the main and most critical configuration.

Database properties

Regarding database configuration and structure, the component creates an in-memory database through an H2 DB Engine, which will be created and deleted on each execution.

  • Datasource parameters

On the previous properties you also can specify any driver o connection configuration in order to stablish the connection to any database engine.

  • H2 in-memory database console

In order to access and manage information stored, until an external environment is created, the Connector expose H2 server engine console on the port defined by the property:


By default, even if you do not define the property (non-empty), port will be 21080, so you will be able to access through the following direction pattern:


SSL Context (not for AS4) application.properties

You can configure secure HTTP connections from the Connector by setting the following property to true:

# SSL context enabled (true|false)

In this case you should properly configure the following properties in order to create an SSL context for HTTP communications:

  1. SSL configuration (optional when ssl.context.enables is false)

ssl.keystore.type= #(JKS|PKCS12) ssl.keystore.path= #(Path to keystore where signing private key are included) ssl.keystore.password= #(Private key password) ssl.truststore.path= #(JKS truststore) ssl.truststore.password= #(Truststore password)

In the case that you disabled the SSL context property, you should configure the corresponding JVM parameters to specify the truststore, keystore, etc. or the further actions depending of your environment configuration.

Kafka configuration application.properties

To send log messages to a Kafka server, configure the following parameters:

# DE4A Kafka settings
# Enables the standard logging separately of the Kafka messages. It is necessary for print metrics messages - (default: true)
# Enables Kafka connection via HTTP (Only enable HTTP mode if outbound TCP connections are blocked from your internal network)

# Kafka server address (Eg.: de4a-dev-kafka.egovlab.eu:9092)
# Uncomment the following property and remove the above one if HTTP mode is enabled
# de4a.kafka.url=https://de4a-dev-kafka.egovlab.eu

# toop legacy kafka properties (Do not touch)
toop.tracker.enabled = false

IMPORTANT - If your server has no access to external domains, the HTTP Kafka and proxy configuration should be enabled. To enable HTTP Kafka log producer, you only need to set the property to true de4a.kafka.http.enabled=true - Also configure the proper endpoint in order to use HTTP connections.

An important setting is to set the de4a.kafka.topic to something that distinguishes your service from all the others. A good naming convention for your topic would be de4a-<two letter country code>-<pilot/partner acronym>.

It is important to mention the property de4a.kafka.logging.enabled, used to enable the file log printing for each Kafka message sent, that property could be enabled even when the de4a.kafka.enabled=false, just for write the log at the different appenders configured in the log4j2 configuration file.

SMP properties application.properties

To establish which SMP server will provide the Connector with metadata services, the following properties must be used:

# SMP Client configuration stuff - Do not touch (default values)
smpclient.truststore.type = JKS
smpclient.truststore.path = truststore/de4a-truststore-test-smp-pw-de4a.jks
smpclient.truststore.password = de4a

# External endpoints
You can define there your SMP endpoint and truststore which will be used to validate the signature of the responses.

Do not modify, all consortium SMPs should be validated with the default truststore.

Starting up the Connector

Once you have all configuration parameters well configured (if not, check the logs to find out the problem), it is time to deploy the component into an applications server. Once you have deployed the war file or the docker image, there are several checks to ensure that the deployment was successful:

  • Open Swagger UI browsing: http://host:port/swagger-ui/

­     E.g.:

  • DE4A Connector index page will be at root path: http://host:port/

­     E.g.:

  • The Connector will be able to process requests through the following interfaces:


  • Accessing to in-memory database: http://host:h2.console.port/