EProcedure Portal Front-end

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eProcedure portal front-end

Item Description
name eProcedure Portal Front-end
description Managing the entire interaction between the user and the eProcedure Portal, including e.g. UI framework, specific forms integration with the eProcedure Portal Back-end.
pattern(s) IM, USI, VC
application collaboration eProcedure Portal

Application Services realized by this component
Application Service Description Pattern
eProcedure Initiation The user can start a specific eProcedure to receive a public service and provide an initial set of information. The service bundles UI and handling of the data provided by the user. IM, USI, VC
Explicit Request The user must make an explicit request for OOP transfer of evidence. This service handles the request. IM, USI
eProcedure Termination An eProcedure can be aborted. This service terminates the requested eProcedure (public) service. IM, USI, VC
eProcedure Submission After all evidence is available and the requirements of the procedure have been fulfilled the user can submit the request. This service bundles UI and handling of request submission. IM, USI, VC
eProcedure Conformation The acknowledgment that all required evidence is received by the DC is confirmed to the U by this service. IM, USI, VC
Verifiable Credential Request The service that generates a request for the issuance of evidence in the form of VC on the DP side. It includes the information of the required VC schema. VC
Verifiable Credential Processing Initiation The U chooses to request the transfer of evidence in the form of Verifiable Credentials (VC). This service prepares and provides the DC’s DID data, which will be later used for the preparation of a DID Connection between the U and DC. VC
Evidence Status Overview The DC updates the evidence status. This is supported by this service. VC
QR-code (UI) A service that provides a QR code to be displayed on the UI for the user to be scanned. VC

DE4A Common Components & BBs & MS Solutions
Component Source UC Description
eVS Ministry for public administration SA (UC1) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit mauris eu dui aliquet, feugiat porttitor eros placerat.
mijnRVO NL/Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland DBA (UC1) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit mauris eu dui aliquet, feugiat porttitor eros placerat.