Evidence Retrieval

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Figure 33 represents the Evidence Retrieval collaboration between the Evidence query and Evidence editor components to manage evidence in the evidence registry and retrieve evidence records. This collaboration exists both at the DP and at the DC side. In the DC country, it is used to check whether evidence required by the eProcedure is readily available in their national registry. On DP side it is used to retrieve an evidence record that was requested in order to issue it subsequently in form of a VC. The Evidence query components consequently has consequently interfaces for communicating with both the eProcedure (DC) and the Evidence portal (DP)..

Application Components of the Evidence Retrieval
Application Component Description Pattern(s)
Evidence Query Application component providing functionality to query an evidence registry for retrieving evidence and providing an interface to expose this functionality to the outside. IM, USI, VC
Evidence Editor Application component to manage creation/insertion, modification? and deletion of evidences in an evidence registry. IM, USI, VC