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Codelists (or controlled vocabularies) are meant to organise knowledge that is classifiable in nature. They can be approached from a broad perspective or a more purpose-specific context. These codelsts are used on the properties of the evidence types.

In the context of the semantic web, controlled vocabularies have a double purpose.

  • The first purpose involves harmonising concepts to improve technical, business, institutional and inter-institutional communication.
  • The second purpose has to do with knowledge management and metadata interchange, and is geared to a machine-readable environment, meant to improve dissemination/discovery, repurposing/reuse, and collection/merging of data across the open and globally connected digital environment of the semantic web.
  • There is a third purpose very specific to the EU institutions, which comes from the multilingual nature of the European Union itself. Translation requirements are easily met with the conceptual nature of controlled vocabularies.

Codelist specification (work in progress)

Codelist Name Description Link DE4A Use Case Remarks
Cause of end of marriage The cause of end of marriage in the marriage evidence. TBD MA UC2
Country The Country authority table is a controlled vocabulary that lists concepts associated with names of countries and territories. The concepts included are correlated with the ISO 3166 international standard. ISO 3166-1 contains a two-letter code which is recommended as the general purpose code, a three-letter code which has better mnenomic properties and a numeric-3 code which can be useful if script independence of the codes is important. The authority code relies on the ISO 3166-1/alpha-3 positions. If an authority code is needed for a country without assigned ISO code, an alphanumeric code is created in order to not confuse with ISO codes that are strictly alphabetic or numeric. MA UC1, MA UC2 To check if we will use alpha-2 or alpha-3
Human Sex The Human sex authority table is a controlled vocabulary providing the list of human sexes. The Human sex authority table is maintained by the Publications Office of the European Union on the EU Vocabularies website. MA UC1, MA UC2 female, male, not applicable, not known, not stated
Marital Status As defined in EuroVoc vocabulary. MA UC1, MA UC2
NUTS / LAU The NUTS 2021 classification, that will be valid for data transmissions to Eurostat from 1 January 2021, lists 104 regions at NUTS 1, 283 regions at NUTS 2 and 1345 regions at NUTS 3 level.

Local Administrative Units (LAUs) are the building blocks of the NUTS, and comprise the municipalities and communes of the European Union.



Company type ISO 20275* 2017 version - DBC UC1
Company activity NACE* (Nomenclature of Economic Activities) designates the integrated classification system for products and economic activities. It designates the various statistical nomenclatures of economic activities developed since 1970 in the European Union DBC UC1
Company status BRIS* DBC UC1
Language Code ISO 639-1 - two-letter codes, one per language for ISO 639 macrolanguage DBC UC1
Main field of study Specifies the main field of study degree specialization code. ISCED-F (top level) controlled list. SA UC1
Mode of study E.g. full-time, part-time etc. Europass Standard List of Learning Schedule Types. SA UC1