Common behaviour and interactions between components

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Communication diagrams of interaction patterns of iteration 2

The communication patterns used in the DE4A project are listed below. For each pattern there is a diagram detailing every step and an explanation of the exchanged message.

Intermediation pattern communication diagram

The Intermediation pattern allows the user to obtain the evidence in the Data Consumer side without the need of interaction in the Data Provider side.

User-supported intermediation pattern communication diagram

The User-supported intermediation pattern needs the user interaction in the Data Provider side to exchange the evidence with the Data Consumer side.

Subscription pattern communication diagram

The Subscription pattern allows the user in the Data Consumer side to subscribe to a catalog of events handled in the Data Provider side.

Notification pattern communication diagram

The Notification pattern allows the user inn the Data Consumer side to receive notifications from the Data Provider side,

Lookup pattern communication diagram

The Lookup pattern allows the user in the Data Consumer side to exchange evidences with the Data Provider side after a notification is received.

Description of the data structures used in the exchanges

Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary contains a full description of every message exchanged in the different communication patterns. It includes a data description and a link to the schema files where the specification is detailed.