DE4A Information Exchange Model (IEM)

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The DE4A Information Exchange Model (IEM) is the payload specification of the messages to be exchanged between competent authorities. IEM is agnostic to any technical implementation and according to the DE4A project specific pilot needs and architecture. The design of the IEM will be based on TOOP EDM and other national models by WP3 in collaboration of the rest of technical work packages (architecture, pilots and common components) under the following basic assumptions:

  • DE4A IEM allows a message exchange between the DR and the DT.
  • DE4A IEM allows communications between a DO and a DE according to the DE4A interaction patterns.
  • DE4A IEM satisfies the specific needs of DE4A pilots and architecture.
  • DE4A IEM satisfies the specific DE4A policy for identifiers and IDK provisions model.
  • A DT can automatically generate an IEM response according to the IEM requests of a DR.
  • DE4A IEM is abstract to handle events and evidence in any business domain.
  • DE4A IEM allows to handle several events and evidence types in the same message between a DE and a DO.
  • DE4A IEM is based on existing international vocabularies and standards.
  • DE4A IEM models general information to include in the messages.
  • DE4A IEM allows the representation of exchanged evidence as structured data according to the canonical evidence data model with or without attached unstructured data (PDFs) with the legal value.
  • DE4A IEM allows multi-evidence exchange when the same subject and competent authority are involved, thus contributing to the efficiency of the user and systems interactions.

General information to include in messages concerns details about the transmission, data subject, data evaluator, data owner and exchange. IEM will model all the information required to properly process requests and responses, as well as to log and audit the transmissions, from the public administrations’ point of view.

IEM models information according to vocabularies, code lists, authoritative lists, etc. defined at European or international level. IEM models cover request and response messages for the interaction patterns piloted by DE4A:

  • Evidence Exchange (LU, IM, USI patterns): request (DE) and response (DO) to obtain a cross-border evidence
  • Redirect URL Exchange (USI pattern): request (DE) and response (DO) to send and to obtain the URL to redirect the user back and for DE and DO portals, respectively
  • Event Subscription (S&N pattern): request (DE) and response (DO) to subscribe an event catalogue
  • Event Notification (S&N pattern): event notification from a DO to a DE that is subscribed to the corresponding event catalogue