The Service Metadata Locator (SML) is a singleton instance in the DE4A network. It is operated by CEF, a key facility of the European Commission, and provided to the DE4A project at no cost. DE4A is currently operating on the test instance of the SML, called “SMK”, and was assigned the DNS zone for the project.
Additionally, CEF provided the project 10 test SMP X.509 certificates based on the “DE4A_TEST_SMP_CA” which is based on CEFs “Connectivity Test Component CA”. Only certificates issued by the “DE4A_TEST_SMP_CA” are allowed to register in the DE4A SML DNS zone.
Every SMP (see below) that wants to join the DE4A network needs to register once at the SML using the specific DNS zone and a certificate based on the “DE4A_TEST_SMP_CA”.
For a deeper explanation of how SML works please see CEF