Interdisciplinary Questions

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The PSA collected 23 interdisciplinary questions as basis to provide guidance to the pilots. For each of the Reference Interaction Patterns, working hypotheses were formulated for each of the interdisciplinary questions relevant for that specific pattern. This helped to contrast the pattern and make the implications of each of them comprehensible, specifically for policy stakeholders.

[ToDo: add and update the questions from D2.4]

Multi-evidence Cases

A Multi-evidence Case is an interaction between Data Consumer and Data Provider, where the Data Consumer needs to request several pieces of evidence for a single eProcedure.

There are three distinct reasons for the Multi-evidence Case to arrise.

Multiple Data Providers Multiple Evidence Types Multiple Evidences of the same type Evidences for multiple subjects
Example from Studying Abroad Pilot: A student who has multiple diplomas that can be sources from the same Data Provider. (This can be either the same University or a national diploma repository, holding diplomas from different education service providers).