Company Registration Canonical Evidence

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The Canonical Evidence the Doing Business Abroad Pilot uses in Use Case 1: Starting a Business in Another Member State.

Data Model

Doing Business Abroad Data Model.png

Data Table

Table: Specification of the attributes of the canonical evidence CompanyRegistration.

DE4A name Property type Cardinality Data type Related vocabulary Controlled vocabulary Remarks
LegalEntity Class 1
Company name Object 1..n Names This is the primary name of the company. Can be provided for multiple languages.
Company type Datatype 1 String CBV: legalEntity - companyType ISO 20275
Company status Datatype 1 String CBV: legalEntity - companyStatus BRIS
Company activity Object 1 Activity
Company registration date Datatype 1 Date
Company end date Datatype 0..1 Date
Company EUID Datatype 1 String BRIS: companyEUID This is the identifier as registered in the DP Country formatted as EUID conform BRIS specification: country code + register identifier + registration number + verification digit (optional)
Vat number Datatype 0..n String
Company contact data Object 0..1 ContactPoint
Company registration address Object 1..n Address Multiple occurrences allowed for different languages
Company postal address Object 0..n Address
Branch Object 0..1 Branch The branch of the parent-company doing business in another MS; will not be used in first pilot iteration
Names Class
Legal entity legal name Datatype 1 cvb:LegalEntityLegalName CBV: legalEntity - legalname Only different names if different xml language tags (ISO 639-1) are provided. Example:

<LegalEntityLegalName xml:lang="nl">Voorbeeldnaam</LegalEntityLegalName>

Contactpoint Class
Email Datatype 0..n String contactPoint - email
Telephone Datatype 0..n String contactPoint - telephone
Activity Class
NACE code Datatype 0..n String CBV: legalEntity - companyActivity NACE
Activity description Datatype 0..n String Description is only provided if NACE code can’t be provided.

Only different descriptions if different xml language tags (ISO 639-1) are provided

Branch This is a branch of the parent-company that is registered in the same MS as the parent-company. If provided in the evidence, this branch is the entity doing business abroad.
Branch name Object 1 Names This is the primary name of the branch. Can be provided for multiple languages.
Branch EUID Object 1 String
Branch activity Activity 0..1 Activity
Branch registered address Object 1 Address
Branch postal address Object 0..1 Address
Address Class CBV: Address
PO Box Datatype 0..1 String Post office box number
Thoroughfare Datatype 0..1 String Street
Locator designator Datatype 0..1 String House number
Post code Datatype 0..1 String Postal code / zip code
Post name (city) Datatype 0..1 String City
Admin unit level 2 Datatype 0..1 String County / region / state
Admin unit level 1 Datatype 0..1 String ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 Country
Language code Datatype 0..1 xml:lang ISO 639-1 Label indicating the language of the specific address.

XML Schema

The XML schema of the canonical evidence CompanyRegistration: