Evidence Portal Back-end

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Evidence Portal Back-end

Item Description
name name of AC
description Shares the functionality that enables the secure exchange of messages, records, forms, and other kinds of data between different ICT systems.

This includes the DID connection handling and evidence related events (VC). Generation of persistent URL which will be communicated to the DC enabling the user to return to “the right place” at a later point in time (USI). Error handling connected to evidences and rendering the evidence so it can be previewed by the user.

pattern(s) IM, USI, VC, LKP
application collaboration Evidence Portal

Application Services realized by this component
Application Service Description Pattern
Domestic to Canonical Evidence Transformation This application service is used for transformation of evidences. It takes as input a domestic evidence and transforms it to canonical form. Domestic evidence types can vary significantly, the transformation should consequently be implemented by each evidence consumer and provider according to their specificities. IM, USI, LKP
Error Handler This application service is used for handling error situations with respect to:

• non-availability of OOP

• non-availability or delay of evidence

Prepare Preview Before Transfer This application service is used for handling error situations with respect to:

• non-availability of OOP

• non-availability or delay of evidence

Persistent URL Generation A persistent URL is generated for the purpose of navigation. Based on this URL the DC can forward/redirect the U to the portal of the DP for the required evidence. USI
Request Validation and Extraction Service to extract from the request of the user whether it confirms to a schema that can be provided by the DB and whether the subject of the request is corresponding to the requesting U. VC

DE4A Common Components & BBs & MS Solutions
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abc descr abc [[]] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit mauris eu dui aliquet, feugiat porttitor eros placerat.