Higher Education Diploma Canonical Evidence

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This type of canonical evidence represents the proof of completion of Higher Education and encompasses all pertinent aspects for submitting an initial application for admission to public tertiary education institution. The current version of the model addresses SA UC1 (Use Case "Application to Public Higher Education").

Data Model

Attribute Specification

DE4A name Property type Cardinality Data type Related vocabulary Controlled Vocabulary Definition
averageGrade Datatype [0..1] Text gradeType The average grade awarded. Extension of edci:TextScoreType with the addition of a textual explanation attribute.
country Datatype [1..1] Identifier edci:MDRCountryCodeEnumType Country Country where the study programme was completed by the student.
dateOfIssue Datatype [1..1] Date cbc:DateType Date of issue of the certificate or diploma.
degree Datatype [1..*] Text edci:TextType An academic title or degree obtained by the student and proven by this diploma or certificate (evidence).
durationOfEducation Datatype [1..1] duration xsd:duration Official duration of education.
holderOfAchievement Object [1..1] Person edci:PersonType Person that has obtained the academic title or degree.
institutionName Datatype [1..*] Text edci:TextType The name of the higher education institution where the student obtained the degree.
mainFieldOfStudy Datatype [1..1] Identifier edci:IscedFOetCodeType ISCED-F Field of finished higher education.
modeOfStudy Datatype [1..1] Identifier edci:


Europass Standard List of Learning Schedule Types Mode of study.
placeOfIssue Object [1..1] Location edci:LocationType Place of issue (location) of the certificate or diploma.
scope Datatype [1..1] Number edci:ECTSCreditPointsType The official workload of the study programme in the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit points.
studyProgramme Datatype [1..*] Text edci:TextType Name of a study programme that the student finished at the higher education institution in order to obtain the degree.

XML Schema

XSD files can be found on the GitHub repository.