SSI Cloud Agent Back-end

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SSI Authority Agent Back-end

Item Description
name SSI Authority Agent Back-end
description Application component managing the DID connections and handling the VC/VP related events.
pattern(s) VC
application collaboration Authority Agent

Application Services realized by this component
Application Service Description Pattern
DID Connection Invitation Generic. The service generates and provides a JSON invitation (DID document) with which the different stakeholders (e.g., users) can start the process of DID connection establishment. VC
DID Connection Response Generic. The service validates and checks the user's response to the generated DID connection invitation. As a result of this action, information on the DID connection establishment is provided. VC
VP Validation The service performs an initial screening and validation of the VP submitted by the user with regard to its schema structure, issuer validity, eIDAS identity matching and the validity of the digital signature. The result of this action is the information on the validity of the VP submitted for the procedure. VC
VP Request The service, dependant on procedural requirements, generates a request for evidence in the form of verifiable presentations (VPs). It requires evidences to be aligned with a specific VP format. VC
VC Issuing The service provides functionalities related to (re)issuing of requested evidence in the form of a VC. The VC is issued after an established DID connection and accepted VC offer. VC
DE4A Common Components & BBs & MS Solutions
Component Source UC Description
SSI Authority Agent REST API DE4A Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component that exposes a set of methods as an interface to the Authority Agent's back-end functionalities.
SSI Authority Agent Database CouchDB Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component responsible for internally storing the current status of DID connections and VC/VP-related requests.
EBSI Connector DE4A Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component responsible for generating and anchoring an EBSI-compliant DID to the EBSI ledger and onboarding the MS organization as a Trusted Issuer in the EBSI Trusted Issuer Registry. The component also retrieves the information about the registered trusted issuers during the VP validation step.
Hyperledger Aries Server Hyperledger Aries Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component deployed on the DP/DC premises, which handles all DID invitation requests and VC/VP-related requests.
Hyperledger Aries REST API Hyperledger Aries Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component that exposes a set of methods as an interface to the HL Aries Go functionalities (DID generation, sending VC offer/VC, accepting requests, etc.). The component is used by the SSI Authority Agent REST API to implement SSI funcionalities and communication between the Authority and Edge Agent.