SSI Edge Agent Front-end

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SSI Edge Agent Front-end

Item Description
name SSI Edge Agent Front-end
description Component building UI and logic to handle DID connections and the VC/VP related events.
pattern(s) VC
application collaboration User Agent

Application Services realized by this component
Application Service Description Pattern
DID Connection Acceptance Generic. A service that resolves DC DID to the DID document. The DC document holds the endpoint of the DC agent and establish a DID connection. The service forwards the information about the user-related DID document, which includes relevant information about his agent (e.g., DID, cryptographic data, endpoint, etc.). VC
Verifiable Presentation Creation The service supports the creation of Verifiable Presentation (VP) from the evidences (VC) selected by the user. VC
Verifiable Credential Acceptance This service offers users the ability of a preview and acceptance of evidence (VC), which was issued from DP to him. Furthermore, the service manages the storing of provided evidence in a user-managed digital wallet, which is part of his agent. VC

DE4A Common Components & BBs & MS Solutions
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DE4A Mobile Digital Wallet [?] DE4A [[]] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit mauris eu dui aliquet, feugiat porttitor eros placerat.
abc descr abc [[]] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit mauris eu dui aliquet, feugiat porttitor eros placerat.