Verifiable Credential Generator

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Verifiable Credential Generator

Item Description
name Verifiable Credential Generator
description Application component managing the generation, i.e., issuance of VC by the DP as issuer to the user as the holder of the newly generated (i.e., re-issued) evidence (VC). The component includes the processes of canonical evidence diploma translation into the form of a Verifiable Credential, and the digital VC signing by the issuer of the evidence.
pattern(s) VC
application collaboration Authority Agent

Application Services realized by this component
Application Service Description Pattern
Convert Evidence to VC The DP prepares the diploma evidence according to the pre-defined XML schema. The service then converts the received canonical evidence in the XML format and converts the data into the JSON-LD format of the Verifiable Credential. VC
Digitally sign the VC The diploma evidence in the JSON-LD format is submitted to the HL Aries agent deployed on the DP side to attach the proof field, i.e. to append the digital signature to the VC by using the EBSI-compliant DID. An important prerequisite for this step is that the EBSI-compliant DID is registered in the EBSI DID Registry, and that the underlying DID document is imported to the HL Aries agent upon Authority Agent startup. VC

DE4A Common Components & BBs & MS Solutions
Component Source UC Description
SSI Authority Agent REST API DE4A Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component that exposes a set of methods as an interface to the Authority Agent's back-end functionalities.
SSI Authority Agent Database CouchDB Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component responsible for internally storing the current status of DID connections and VC/VP-related requests.
Hyperledger Aries Server Hyperledger Aries Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component deployed on the DP premises, which handles all VC (offers) generated and sent to the students.
Hyperledger Aries REST API Hyperledger Aries Use Case "Diploma/Certs/Studies/Professional Recognition" (SA UC3) The component that exposes a set of methods as an interface to the HL Aries Go functionalities (DID generation, sending VC offer/VC, accepting requests, etc.). The component is used by the SSI Authority Agent REST API to implement SSI functionalities and communication between the Authority and Edge Agent.