Evidence Type Translator

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Evidence Type Translator

Item Description
name Evidence Type Translator
description Application component is executes on a rules that allow the DR to uncover what should be requested form the DP. This is required for non-harmonized sectors, without a definition of canonical evidence types and can, e.g. be accomplished by matching procedural requirements of an eProcedure to available evidences from de DP country.

Alternatively, a direct mapping between "equivalent evidences" could be used, and could serve as a stepping stone to harmonization.

DE4A attempts to investigate deeper semantic interoperability of cross-border evidence, that is required for automated reuse of data and semantic. Consequently DE4A is using the definition of canonical evidence types for all evidences in pilot scope and is not expected to pilot an Evidence Type Translator.

pattern(s) IM, USI, LKP
application collaboration Information Desk

Application Services realized by this component
Application Service Description Pattern
Cross-border Evidence Matching The DC must match required evidence cross-border to equivalent evidences from another MS. This service bundles UI and logic to support this process. This service is meant to resolve the barrier 'S1: Diverse and non-harmonised types of criteria and evidences in different member states can make it difficult to find and request relevant evidences' identified in D1.7.

In the DE4A pilots, semantic interoperability is managed by the definition of canonical evidences, which means that this service is not in the pilot scope


DE4A Common Components & BBs & MS Solutions
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xyz descr xyz [[]] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit mauris eu dui aliquet, feugiat porttitor eros placerat.
abc descr abc [[]] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin suscipit mauris eu dui aliquet, feugiat porttitor eros placerat.